Hey, I'm Varun...Varun Sendilraj

Varun Sendilraj

i got into coding at 16 cuz I was obsessed with video games. with aspirations to be the next notch, for my first project, i made a game in unity for high school coding class. watched way too many youtube and hours staring at colored text, i felt like i was dying (jk...kinda). somehow it got picked as a finalist for games for change. looking back, it was was not to great (lol) but hey, i made something people could actually use. and i got hooked to building stuff.

sophomore year, covid hit. developing a few websites before I landed a gig building a site to help get ppe to hospitals in the southeast (formerly knows as ppedropoff.com). sewa international (a nonprofit) picked it up, and 200+ people ended up using it. lowky my mind was blown. it hit me then that i could actually make a difference in peoples lives (and somewhat live up to my parents dreams by being a fake doctor) in the intersection of healthcare and software.

that realization pushed me into healthcare/biotech. did some cool stuff since then:

now, I'm a third-year at Georgia Tech, diving deep into AI-powered protein design and drug discovery. I really believe the future is heading toward creating drugs faster and more efficiently—and I want to be part of making that happen.

Want to connect?Varun Sendilraj

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