For our first robot of the year, our team lists out all possible designs that we could build. Our team strives to build a robot design that will give us the best chance of the following: winning a tournament, scoring a high skills score, and having some unique quality that others don’t have. In order for our team to achieve these goals in our robot’s design we create a list of pros and cons of each design, carefully weighing our options before we make a final choice. After our team has formulated the plan for the robot we go through our building process which involves a little trial and error. Since our team does not usually CAD beforehand, we make changes as we go along. We have a certain building procedure that works well. Base => Lift => Tray => Intake. Basically, it’s a ground-up building procedure. For programming our team uses PROS to program our robot, and recently we have been spending a lot of time on our macros and auton. We are currently ranked in the top 20 for our programming skills run (27 points). As documenting all of our ideas goes we try and take pictures and keep all of our sketches from our meetings for our journal. This way, we can show the robot’s progress and the problems we encounter.